Rosary Services
For information about our rosary services, please click here.
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil- 6:30 pm
Sunday Mass- 11:00am
Monday, Tuesday and Friday - Exposition/Rosary at 11:15 am. Mass at 12:00 noon.
Alternate Wednesdays- Mass at 7pm
Confession- Saturday at 10:30 to 11:30 am and on arrangement.
Silent Holy Hour- First Monday of every month 7pm-8pm.
Feast of St Anne Parish Celebration
On Friday 26th July (Feast of St Anne), there will be mass at 7pm followed by a social celebration in the parish hall. Our evening will include a shared table, raffle, Irish bingo plus entertainment from our talented parishioners. If you can sing, dance, play the spoons or an instrument, do magic tricks etc. please give your name to one of the parish team. All are welcome to our fun evening. Children especially welcome with an adult.
Fr Mario's 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass
On Friday 5th July we will be having a thanksgiving mass for Father Mario on his 10th year anniversary as an ordained priest. A warm welcome is extended to our three parishes; St Anne’s, St John’s and St Luke’s. Mass will be at 7pm followed by coffee and cake in the presbytery.
First Holy Communion Celebration- St Anne's School
Join our school community as we come together to share in the celebration of First Holy Communion for 21 pupils from St Anne’s School.
Rosary Services for St. Anne’s, St John’s and St. Luke’s
Friday 2nd February- Presentation of our Lord
St. John the Evangelist Church
Sunday 7th April- Presentation for Divine Mercy
St. John the Evangelist Church
Friday 31st May- The Visitation
St. John the Evangelist Church
Thursday 27th June- Our Lady of Perpetual Help
St. Anne’s Church
Thursday 15th August- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. John the Evangelist Church
Monday 7th October- Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
St. Anne’s Church
Thursday 21st November- Presentation of Our Lady
St. John’s Church
Monday 9th December- Immaculate Conception
St. Anne’s Church